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How it works

CO2 is pumped as a liquid. Once it reaches the reservoir, down-hole conditions cause it to become a super-critical fluid. 


This phase change results in a significant increase in fluid volume, further extending fractures.


CO2 reduces the pH of water, which helps to break polymers and eliminate clay swelling in water sensitive formations.


Since CO2 remains a liquid throughout the wellbore portion of the treatment, it is suited to high fracture gradient reservoirs where additional hydrostatic pressure is required.

We customize our solutions.

Different completions have different  needs. To meet deadlines in an economic and effective way that meets your requirements, we start with a deep understanding of your operations through full-service demand planning and product utilization forecasting.

The use of CO2 in well completions has proven to increase well productivity and the overall life of the well. We can help you plan an efficient and engineered solution.

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Ferus has two CO2 plants located to service the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.

Between the plant and well site we have the transport, storage and on-site services to get you CO2 where you need it when you need it.

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When CO2 is injected into an oil reservoir, it becomes soluble with the residual crude oil and light hydrocarbons. When CO2 dissolves in the oil it swells the oil and reduces its viscosity. This then enables the CO2 to displace the oil from the rock pores, pushing it towards a producing well.


An EOR alternative is to use CO2 in cyclic solvent injection (CSI), otherwise known as Huff ‘n’ Puff.


Diagram showing Enhanced Oil Recovery process
Enhanced Oil Recovery

CO2 Huff n' Puff

The injected CO2 dissolves in oil which is present in the reservoir and results in solution gas drive.

The COreduces liquid viscosities and eliminates phase trapping caused by water, oil, or condensate.

A secondary drive is related to oil swelling in the presence of CO2.

The CO2 saturates formation water and displaces it from the near wellbore area, resulting in lower water production once the well is brought back on.

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Watch our Tech V Talk about Huff n' Puff. 

Diagram showing the three stags of a Huff'n'Puff process
CO2 Huff
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