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March 25, 2020 - Ferus NGF Staff Share Home Office Photos

During this period of physical distancing, Ferus NGF staff are busy working remotely from their home office whenever possible. We thought it would be fun to share a view into our new working arrangement with some pictures our staff's home office setups!


Blaire says she really enjoys the time she gets to spend with her kids, which includes a fun morning workout routine.

Darnell says he enjoys working close to the kitchen and having home-cooked meals for lunch.


Jesse says he likes being able to listen to music without having to wear headphones. He also enjoys watching the birds that frequent the tree outside his window.

Jonathan says he's happy about trading in time commuting to work, for a few extra winks.


Mike jokingly says, he'd rather not be working from home, where his seniority sucks and he's relegated to working under the stairs.

Robert says the best part of working from home is that his commute to work is now about 13 seconds!


Shawn S. says he's enjoying the more leisurely pace of getting ready and having coffee in the morning as opposed to the gong show that normally takes place.

Shawn G. says that the extra time he gets to spend with his family is the best thing about working from his home office.


Todd's favourite thing about working from home is being able to support his wife because she has to leave the house to work. Since Todd can work from home, his wife doesn't have to stress about where the kids are.

Travis says he's encouraged by how working from home is enhancing Ferus NGF's technical capabilities and adoption of productivity and reporting tools.


Zac is another person who says eliminating the morning commute is a welcomed benefit of working remotely.


Nathan says he likes to work in his pajamas. We think we know who he got that idea from!


David says he likes working from home because he can prepare more creative lunches compared to what's available in a foodcourt. 

We hope you enjoyed this view into how Ferus NGF's team is adapting to the COVID-19 situation. We see every challenge as an opportunity and believe it's incredibly important to stay positive and remember that life goes on despite the circumstances -- so let's make the best of it!

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