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Our focus is on innovation, service, and people to improve productivity for your well.

Products are the starting point. To fully optimize production, we deliver energized fluids and sand with our integrated approach, reliable supply chain and technical expertise.

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Our technical approach to CO2 applications

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What Nitrogen brings to the table to improve hydrocardbon recovery

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The same technical, operational and logistical expertise that makes us who we are, now includes sand solutions. 

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No matter the product, it's all about application. Our supply chain is proven and is the core of our integrated approach.

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We have the specialized equipment to bring product to you, store it on-site, and the experts to handle it.

Hydraulic Fracturing

Energized fluids have be used as agents to assist in hydrocarbon recovery from the wellbore since the early 1950's. Fracturing with CO2 and N2  have been instrumental in the economic development of many oil and gas fields.


They can be applied as the primary fracturing fluid for a completely damage-free fracture or as an energizer. Energized fluids result in greater production and larger reserves than traditional slickwater fractures.

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