Diverse Uses of LNG
If you don’t see your specific market or application, please contact us. There are many ways to use LNG as a fuel and our expertise is in finding solutions.
Oil & Gas
Supplying LNG to Waste Treatment Facility
Fueling a Hydraulic Fracturing Spread
Fueling a Drilling Rig
LNG is used in place of diesel to fuel oil and gas drilling, completions, and fluid heating operations with dual-fuel or dedicated natural gas engines. We liquefy natural gas at our plant in Elmworth, Alberta –located in the heart of oil and gas activity – and we own and operate specialized equipment designed to support all applications.
Ferus NGF recognizes the sensitivity around heavy truck traffic in our communities, and by supplying natural gas fuel in liquid form, we maximize truck load size to minimize the number of deliveries per location.
Ferus NGF’s mobile high pressure compressed natural gas (CNG) equipment is used for injecting natural gas (up to 4000 psig) downhole to stimulate inactive wells or clean out water-filled wells. CNG pressure reduction systems (PRUs) and separators are available when using field gas for fueling operations.
Remote Power & Utility
LNG Storage Tanks in Inuvik, NWT
Powering a Remote Camp
Yukon Energy LNG Power Plant
Barging LNG for Remote Power Operation
in the NWT
LNG Regasification Unit Supplying Pipeline Outage
The Government of Canada has made it a priority to shift remote power generation in Canada away from diesel to cleaner alternatives. Many remote communities in northern Canada have sufficient access to road infrastructure allowing for accessible delivery of LNG; the environmentally friendly, economical and reliable alternative to diesel.
Mines use a significant amount of power to run their facilities, and mines in northern Canada face higher capital and operating costs than the rest of the world due to their remote nature. Using LNG for power achieves cost savings that compensate in the long term for the higher upfront costs of capital, increasing Canadian mine competitiveness on a global scale.
Pipeline natural gas supply to communities and industry gets interrupted for various reasons throughout the year including inadequate infrastructure for periods of high demand, pipeline maintenance, or natural disasters. Ferus NGF’s mobile LNG solutions are able to respond on short notice to support these planned and emergency situations.
Eagle LNG Marine Bunkering Operation
The International Maritime Organization (“IMO”) is a specialized agency of the United Nations and sets regulations to ensure safety, security and a high level of environmental performance for global marine traffic. The IMO has mandated a global cap on marine fuel sulphur content of no more than 0.5% by 2020, compared to the current limit of 3.5%. The International Bunker Industry Association (“IBIA”) estimates the current yearly bunker fuel demand of 338 megatonnes will drop to 36 megatonnes by 2020 under the new cap. Blending and replacement fuels will be the focus for many shippers, with LNG offering significant advantages and being the replacement fuel of choice.
Ferus LNG Fuelling The Rail Industry
Ferus LNG Fuelling A Mine Hauler
LNG Tractor Refueling
LNG-Powered Tractor & LNG Trailer
Engine technology continues to be developed for other forms of transportation including rail, long-haul trucking, and mine haul trucks. Direct natural gas injection is the ideal form of engine technology to maximize diesel displacement and environmental benefits in these transport applications.
The long-haul trucking industry is the largest aggregate user of diesel in North America; the rail industry is the second largest concentrated consumer of diesel in North America, second only to the U.S. Military; and there are over 6,000 mine haul trucks operating across North America with the opportunity to be powered by natural gas. Adoption of LNG within these industries will provide billions of dollars of annual fuel savings and represent the reduction of millions of tons of CO2 and other emissions.